
Starts At Sixty Review by Karen O'Brien-Hall

The time, and place, of the novel is so strongly established, I had to remind myself the people were fictional characters, not the people who built, owned and/or operated the Hydro Majestic. Julian cheekily uses similarities in name to great advantage, such as the fictional Meadow Springs for the real Medlow Bath, and…

Write Note Reviews - by Monique Mulligan

Leatherdale brings to life the grandeur and flamboyance of the pre-war and post-war era, when the Palace built its reputation on its glamorous parties and guests (including Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Dame Nellie Melba). This glamour provides a startling contrast to the dark secrets exposed through meticulous research…

My Little Corner of the Literary World - Liana

If you enjoy watching shows like Downton Abbey or like a bit of mystery in the books you read, then I recommend that you pick this one up – especially if you also want to learn a little of the hidden history of Australia during the war. It was a fantastic read that’ll have you making your assumptions about the mystery…

M/C Reviews: Culture and the Media - by Ian Lipke

The resulting tale stands tall among contemporary, historical writing as the author, his knowledge of the period encyclopaedic and his writing style original and fascinating, tells a wonderful story.. This book is all about secrets – hidden Australian history, family relationships, and illicit affairs. When Lisa begins…

Book'd Out - Shelleyrae

The tale is well structured, despite shifting between multiple perspectives and time periods. The story is well paced, with plenty of twists and turns in the plot to maintain interest. Descriptions, particularly of the setting are vivid. Melding history and fiction, Palace of Tears is an entertaining novel and an…